
Our costings are based on a three-tier model, with the collaborative model (2) being preferred.

1. Independent Research



Use of the MR scanner

For experienced users. Includes ½ day training on scanner software and hardware, as well as technical support.

In vivo charge per hour: charity £153, fec £191, industry £238

Ex vivo charge per session*: charity £459, fec £573, industry £714

*Based on out of working hours imaging for up to 14h.

Includes ½ day training on scanner software and hardware, as well as technical support.

Prices subject to periodic revision. 


2. Collaborative Research


Use of the MR scanner
(as in 1.)

PLUS professional services
(costed per individual project)

Professional services may include:

Other techniques 
e.g. histology, autoradiography, EEG, microdialysis, surgery

Experiment planning, Data acquisition, Analysis, 

Reporting & Training

The work is undertaken as a collaboration with BRAIN centre staff who should be acknowledged in publications when appropriate.

3. Fee for service CONTRACT


The Brain centre undertakes contracted work for a fee.

This may include an entire project from conception to a full report with raw & processed data, subject to arrangements.

For all costings or project planning contact us at